Hi, I write copy for business

If persuasive 'copywriting' can gently nudge readers into becoming customers, brilliant 'content writing' can make them evangelists

Let's explore the two in this blog

My Work Portfolio as a Marketing Writer

This blog is an organized presentation of some of my work as a marketing writer for small businesses, startups, and nonprofits.

It’s my learning journey exploring the world of digital marketing writing or “writing for business” as I call it. You got it! That IS the expansion for writeforbiz.com. After all, presenting a product or service using persuasive stories and impactful writing does turn readers into prospects and customers.

Writing for business broadly involves two types of writing. ‘Copywriting’ is used to attract and convert prospects. ‘Content writing’ is used for lead generation and conversion too, but it also keeps customers delighted and loyal forever.

Showcased in this blog are examples of various types of copywriting as well as content writing. You may find them helpful to up your content game to drive your business forward. But first, let’s explore the difference between the two…

What is Copywriting?

'Copywriting' is writing text (or "copy") for the purpose of persuading the reader to take a specific action. For example, the text you find on advertisements that urge you to buy. Promotional materials such as direct mail campaigns, emails, web content, brochures, pop ups, and landing page copy also fall under this category. Copy is usually short and crisp, yet compelling enough to drive the desired action.
Copywriting example infographic with John Emory Powers quote
Copywriting to persuade
Example of content writing. Infographic representing long form informational content.
Content writing to educate

What is Content Writing?

'Content writing' is content that is created with the purpose of "providing information, advice, and resources to a business's customers and clients" usually in the form of well-researched articles, blog posts, white papers, case studies, webinars, and videos. Consistently delivering such content that is helpful and educational enables businesses to establish themselves as thought leaders in a given niche, earning the attention, trust, and loyalty of their target audience.

Be it copywriting or content writing, any powerful content that attracts and converts is usually simple yet descriptive, conversational but still professional, and drives action without being pushy. A tight rope walk indeed!

Let’s get under the hood of the art of persuasion.

“Tell the truth, but make the truth fascinating.” 

David Ogilvy

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