Blog Article vs Blog Post — How to use them for your business

Last updated on March 15th, 2023 at 04:15 am

The difference between a blog post and a blog article was quite distinct in the past. But the line between the two has gotten increasingly blurred over the past few years — so much so that a lot of people no longer realize there is a difference at all. Let’s try to clear this confusion up a wee bit so you can create the kind of content that suits and supports your business.

Image with the words "blogging". Blog post vs a blog article. What works better for your business? Do you use them both or do you blend the two forms?

Features of a blog article

A blog article is a thoroughly researched lengthy piece of content (easily more than 500 words) on a certain topic that uses citations from credible and expert sources to report facts and support claims. It may also typically include interviews that are considered primary sources of information. It lays bare in-depth knowledge on a given topic making sure to keep bias and personal opinion at bay. It sports a sophisticated and professional writing style with impeccable spelling, syntax, and grammar. Take a look at this article on immigration with an “Article Sources” section at the very end.

Features of a blog post

On the other hand, a blog post is a personal reflection on a topic embodying the writer’s experiences and feelings. It employs a casual writing style that is conversational and even slangish, humorous, or entertaining. The blogger’s insights, thoughts, and stories usually form the relatively short content (starts at 250 words) of a typical blog post making it an easy-breezy-read that doesn’t necessarily involve any research. Writers often use fragmented sentences, ellipses, and exclamations for a dramatic effect to establish a personal connect with the reader (who is addressed in the second person). You’re likely to find a call-to-action at the end of a blog post encouraging the reader to comment, share, or subscribe, which helps to build a rapport with the audience and eventually earn their trust and business. A Cup of Jo is a refreshing and inspiring blog for all things ‘women’.

Why is it now hard to tell these two forms apart?

It all seems perfectly simple and clear, right? So where does the confusion arise? Well, with everyone worth their salt trying to become the go-to authority in a given niche, blog posts are now on top of their game vying with a gazillion other blogs to offer the most reliable, relevant, valuable, and interesting information possible. As a result, blog posts have increasingly begun to resemble articles since they are now longer and pack a ton of useful data that needs to be properly documented, cited, and edited. Today’s blog posts share “analyses, instruction, criticisms, product information, industry findings, and more” in the form of a simple and engaging narrative. This one from is a case in point.

Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Blending the two forms together

Top industry players in content creation today have perfected the art of merging the two forms to create conversion optimized posts that consistently delight customers. The posts found in Hubspot’s blog, for instance, are long, educative, and well-researched, but the information is presented in such a lucid, conversational, narrative style that readers can lap it up like a swig from a keg. Alex Turnbull, in this Buffer blog post, insists that by combining elements of story and research, you can “turn awesome content into awesome, credible content that persuades your readers to take action.” This approach certainly forms the cornerstone of content marketing today that research shows brings lasting success.

Also check out Create & Cultivate’s Ask an Expert series that packs a ton of useful and actionable information with panache and snazz that is truly irresistible. Also notice how they make good use of white space, bullet points, brevity, and stunning photography.

Using Blog Articles ‘and’ Blog Posts

Then there are those businesses that use the two forms in their blogs to serve different purposes. For instance, if you’re a b2c skin care product company, you can make use of blog articles to describe the research involved in the design and production process, or explain the history and science behind the ingredients used. You could also consider publishing blog posts that offer skin care tips, DIY remedies, or highlight happy customers and the raison de étre for your company. While the incisive articles provide a solid—savvy—classic feel, the addictive blog posts add a chatty—snappy—vibrant touch.

On the other hand, if you happen to be a b2b company selling a SaaS product, you may be better off merging the two formats and publishing posts that combine industry research with persuasive storytelling.

Deciding what works for your business

In the final analysis, deciding whether to ‘blend’ the two forms or use them ‘both’ in your blog depends on which approach suits the context of your business better and helps achieve your business goals. Both these approaches may be used creatively and consistently to improve your search engine ranking, attract/entertain your target audience, convert prospects, retain customers, and increase brand authority and value.

Sample how this long form content blends the features of these two forms to promote a business’s presence and performance.

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