How to express thank you to a donor for their contribution? Picture of a thank you card with a smiley.

How to write a thank you email to a donor

Last updated on March 14th, 2023 at 06:21 pm

Sometimes, people tend not to put in as much effort into thank you emails to donors as into their emails requesting donations.

A thank you email should reflect the same passion and emotion seen in your donation request email, especially if you want to retain donors and encourage repeat donations.

A good thank you letter should leave your donor feeling warm and fuzzy and happy about their good deed. It must make them feel how much their gift truly matters, and how thankful you are that they too share your dream. This deepens your ties with them and ensures that they continue to participate in your mission and stay committed to your cause.

Sending a thank you email is also an opportunity for you to update donors on all the good things and excitement their goodwill has generated. Showing impact is key to keeping those positive feelings flowing and helps foster donor—donee relations.

Just remember that this isn’t an opportunity to ask them to donate again, and make sure to send the email promptly.

Sample this thank you email sent on behalf of The Palisadoes Foundation to the donors of Calico Challenge 2018.

Inbox subject line 

A warm thanks for your kind donation to Calico 2018!

Make it personal

Dear ________________,

It was so kind of you to contribute $__________ to Calico Challenge 2017.

Show impact

It is my pleasure to let you know that The Palisadoes Foundation is now excitedly engaged in a flurry of activity because of your generosity. We have begun reviewing applications to the 2018 Calico Challenge. We are roping in mentors to support students on their projects. And we are scouting out interesting open source projects that students can choose to work on. None of this would have been possible without you!

Extend warm and genuine thanks

On behalf of The Palisadoes Foundation, I’ d like to convey my deepest gratitude for believing in the work we do.

Remind them of your mission to deepen involvement

Your benevolence has opened up limitless prospects for our students to learn globe-spanning technologies and make their way through the IT world. It will certainly inspire and initiate technological advancement that will hopefully bring a wealth of opportunities to Jamaica too.

Mention results and plans

Last year, all our six participants landed promising IT jobs, and we hope to double that number this year. We will surely keep you posted on all the difference that your support has made.

Offer reassurance

We are a fully volunteer-driven non-profit with no office overhead expense. We assure you that your money will be entirely used to pay USD 1500 to each selected student to help them work full time on their summer projects.

Give special recognition

You have demonstrated your belief in the power of education to uplift lives. My heart-felt thanks to you for joining us on this journey. Now that you have become a part of our community, we will be eagerly sharing news about your support and involvement in our cause in our monthly newsletter. Please stay tuned in for news updates on the progress we are making.

Make the donor the hero of the story

May your goodwill continue to make the world better for the disadvantaged.

Provide contact information

Please feel free to ring me at _________ if you have questions. I’d love to answer them and thank you again!

Encourage them to stay in touch

P.S. Visit  to see all the good your gift is doing!  


(Your name)

Volunteer, The Palisadoes Team

Include a disclosure

You may use this page for tax purposes as receipt for your contribution of $_______ on 3/14/2018. No goods or services were provided in return for the contribution.

Note: Some recommend keeping thank you emails and donation receipts separate.

Tip: Throw in real stories, heart warming pics of beneficiaries, testimonials, and quotes whenever possible as these validate your cause and claims, and make your thank you email memorable and impactful. Remember to keep it as short as possible though 🙂

What’s next? If you’d like to sample an email written to a donor asking them to donate again, click here! You’ll discover everything you need to include in your email to persuade your donors to donate again.

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