How to email an Influencer for collaboration

Last updated on March 14th, 2023 at 06:18 pm

Sample this email I wrote to a vegan green influencer to launch a collaboration to help promote a skincare brand.

Although a little longer than typically recommended, it is highly personalized. The effort to write out each email individually always helps a great deal in procuring product review videos or forging partnerships. Writing from scratch will position you as ‘unique’. It does take some planning and research to nail it.

But if you’re tasked with sending a number of influencer emails every day, it makes a lot more sense to use the sample provided here to make your own outreach template to get the job done efficiently.

There are more than a handful of elements that go into making the email impactful enough to elicit the expected response and action.

Hope it gives you a fairly good idea of how to write an awesome email that wins the attention of that influencer you’re after!

Remember to keep it scannable, concise, relevant, friendly, engaging, and of course, mutually beneficial.

how to write an email to an influencer to launch a collaboration for a skincare products brand
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Attention grabbing subject line:

Hi Sadia, You’ll find us kick awesome to collaborate with! Here’s a special offer!

Personalized address:

Dear Sadia,

Personalized message:

Your recent post “Savvy about Skincare” really resonated with us. I thought it was something our audience would appreciate, so we shared it with our social media and email subscribers. There was so much in it that I can personally vouch for because of what I do and where I work.

Introduce yourself

I’m a marketer over at _____________ Skin Care. Our products are vegan, natural, Ayurveda-based, cruelty-free, and environmentally friendly. I felt that they may be a great fit for your fans and following, totally in line with the kind of content you share and the values you espouse.

Provide testimonial

I’m also happy to say that our products affirm your belief that it is possible to adopt a healthy lifestyle without breaking your bank. Suffused with nature’s goodness and our good intentions, they have helped people across the world turn their lives around. Please view our testimonials here

Ask for what you want clearly and politely

We certainly have found a kindred spirit in you, and would love to send our products your way if you’re willing to test and review them. An honest review video from someone like you who shares our philosophy and way of life would be just the thing we need. It’ll help take these products to more people that may positively benefit from using them.

What’s in it for them?

Our line of gentle premium products combine ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and the latest scientific intelligence to offer a a sense-pampering, mind-uplifting, and overall health nourishing holistic experience over and above doing wonders to your hair and skin! 

We truly hope you’d give yourself the chance to enjoy the goodness and healing brought on by the wealth of natural foods, fruits, flowers, herbs, and essential oils that make them up. You’ll receive every product you choose to review 100% free along with samples you can give away to your audience. We can help choose the ones ideal for your skin type.

Return the favor

Do let us know how we can return the kindness to help further boost your brand and following.

Open channels for quick and easy communication

If interested, please write to us at, or call me at (phone number). 

Impressive sign off

You’ve been a real discovery!  Looking forward to participating in your Instagram workshop this Friday 😊

Convey excitement and urgency

Can’t wait to hear from you!



Tip: Wait a few days before you send that second missive! Try sending it on a different day and a different time of day. One can never predict anyone’s schedule…..least of all an influencer’s!! It’s always a shot in the dark 🙂

Good luck!

Next up….If you’d like to sample an email sent to a donor requesting them to donate again, just click here!

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