
Sample a Lead Generating Facebook Ad and its Performance Evaluation

Last updated on March 14th, 2023 at 06:47 pm

This ad promoted by Udacity’s Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program gathered nearly 500 leads in 5 days with a budget of $125 by having people download a free social media advertising guide. A solid lead magnet such as this value-packed guide is a must to ramp up those conversions! Chart topping results were achieved with low Cost Per Click despite a small budget and little time!

Don’t stop with viewing the ad copy and creative. If this is your first peek into Facebook Ads, make sure you take a look at the numbers in the conversion chart below to view key ad metrics such as reach and cost per click. Also notice the number of likes, comments, and shares the ad generated on the engagement chart. Please read through the campaign evaluation at the end of the post to learn a thing or two about how and why the ad was a success.

Tip: Constant monitoring and appropriate timely tweaking in the Ads Manager to reach the right audiences helped achieve these impressive results!

Campaign Performance Evaluation

The goal of the campaign was to collect at least 100 leads. The campaign was a runaway success as it ended up collecting 487 leads in the form of email addresses.

For a conversion value of $15 per lead and a total spend of $125, the ROI was 5743 which was calculated using the formula below.

(15 x 487 = 7305. So, 7305 -125/125 = 57.43 x 100 = 5743). (Formula: ROI = (Net Profit / Investment) x 100 )

Cost per result was $0.29 for a reach of 65,176. (Formula : Cost per result = Total Facebook ads cost / Total number of results )

The 597 post reactions, 49 post shares, and 159 page likes certainly proved high engagement.

Changes made during the campaign to increase leads and ROI

By targeting men and women in the United States, only 15 conversions had occurred by the end of day one. This lead to a CPR (cost per result) of almost $4.

So, the the target audience was changed to those in Europe and Asia that fit in with the interest group. This saw a dramatic rise in the number of conversions leading to a CPR of $1.87. It was still a lot of money spent on one conversion.

Therefore the campaign was optimized further by adding Central America, South America, and the Caribbean to the targeted list. This again improved the number of conversions leading to a significant drop in the CPC to $0.77. By the end of the campaign, this further dropped to as low as $0.29 per result with a total of 437 conversions.

Finally, keeping the estimated reach of 2500 to 17,000 helped too.


In the final analysis, conversion optimized ad copy and creative surely form the foundation of a successful ad. But that obviously isn’t enough. Targeting the right demographic, interest group, location, behavior, and placement along with choosing the right schedule and frequency of the ad play a great role in increasing ad relevance and thereby ad quality ranking and conversions.

If ready for some more ad campaign analysis, sample this Google Search ad and find out why it failed. After all, there’s a lot that can be learned from failure!

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